I had a lady call me this weekend looking for a lap kitty for her father .... a gift for Father's Day. He had recently lost his beloved lap kitty of many years, and really was wanting another. At first I told the woman that I didn't have one ... but then I got to thinking. Miss Emma (the beautiful Black Smoke) is a very loving kitty ... but she never has meshed well with the others here. She will only show her true personality when she is alone .... which unfortunately couldn't happen often in my cathouse~!
So I contacted the woman about Emma and she came to visit her. I tell you, Emma was sooooooo thrilled to have the company and I am so extremely happy about the connection. SHe will finally be the QUEEN of her own domain, and one very treasured and spoiled little lap girl!!! I will miss her, but I can honestly say that she has gotten what she really deserves!!!!

edit: Emma had been in my care for about 15 months, and her forever home finally came through ..... what a great feeling!