Mark and I returned home from a weekend of camping yesterday. The first order of business was to feed Tucker who was waiting at the front door screaming for food and then take care of the rest of the gang, however I could not get in the front door because they had taken the carpet and bunched it up against the door. So here I am looking in the door window and I see all 4 of them sitting in the kitchen in front of their plates....but I can not get in. So I go to the front door and finally get in that way.

We were only gone for 4 days and they managed to throw up in our bedroom, on one of the couch cushions. They knocked everything off the dining room table and the small kitchen table. The turned both food dishes over and their water was all over the floor.

I then went downstairs to their kitty boxes and found that they peed all over the wall in the basement and took the liners our of all 3 boxes and shredded the liners to pieces.

THEY DISTROYED THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Around 5 pm last night I got a migrane headache that came on so quickly that I went upstairs and laid down for a while.....and I ended up with 4 nurses attending to my needs. Smokey and Mystic were my foot warmers, Tigger was my back warmer and Abner was my headache releif because he laid down right on side of my head and purred up a storm. They never left my side all night. I stayed in bed until this morning and it was not until then that they actually got up and left the bed.

So seeing they were so good to their meowmie....I figure they are forgiven for destroying the house.