I'm almost 21 and I'm in college...I've been thinking alot about my future and what I want to do as a career. My majors are Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. I really dunno if I want to go in those areas anymore. I definately plan on finishing my majors, I feel it would be stupid to just stop now while I'm almost done.

I've thought about teaching, about programming, even thinking about doing something not related to any of those.

I love to groom my min poodle myself and my mom's poodle. I really enjoy animals and I LOVE to work with them. I'm currently trying to get a part time job at Petsmart to be a bather so I can get the feeling of dog grooming down, I think I ight want to do that...

anyone have any suggestions? Anyone a groomer or a programmer or anything of the above things I mentioned...I'm really confused on what I want to do and I'm looking for advice and experienced people so i can question them :-p
