I'm so angry right now I don't know what to do. That so called "press conference" yesterday was a joke. And I wondered why no one was hardly talking to me or taking photos of Chance. The article came out in the paper today. Not a word about Chance or his situation. Nor did the woman have a photo board with Chance's history in pics, as she had said she would. It was all about her new mobile vet clinic that can be used to spay/neuter pets and a discounted rate. I sort of felt like a 3rd class citizen while I was there. The woman hardly even talked to me. Her assistant was very nice. Only one photographer took a pic of Chance. It was from a really small paper so I doubt many people will see it. I called the reporter that wrote the article. She said she was told nothing about Chance and was there for the woman's rescue/mobile vet unit. I asked her if she would consider doing an article for Chance. She said she'd have to check with her editor and call me back. So, hopefully something will be done. I really don't feel comfortable handing Chance over to her now. So, I've contacted a rescue group to see if they can foster Chance, now that his back is well. I am just really disappointed and hurt.