To say the kitties didn't enjoy Halloween was an understatement! It was humiliating and noisy and inconvenient for Toby, but it was nearly tragic for poor Miss Kate!

Toby is black, of course, so I wouldn't let him outside after 5:00. He loves to be outside, so he was not a happy camper. He inherited Jake's costume - which was much too small for Jake. But the prisoner costume was appropriate since he was a prisoner in his own home. He hid all night, and came out only to eat. He wouldn't even look at the camera!

(by the way - that cat food in the envelope is just for little treats sometimes. They get good cat food (Chicken Soup & Science Diet).

Miss Kate hid all night, too. She hated the noise. Then after curfew was over and everybody went home, we hit the sack early. At about 10:30 a noise woke me up. I woke Bob up and we layed there listening but didn't hear anything, so we went back to sleep. Then at 2:30 Bob woke me up. He had heard a very distant, faint meowing.

Then we realized what had happened - our furnace was malfunctioning, so it was hot in our bedroom. We had opened the window a few inches to let some cold air in. Well - we forgot it didn't have a screen on it. You guessed it. Kate had fallen out the window! She was lucky enough to land on a piece of roof which was jutting out about 6 feet below our window, but she had been trapped there for 4 hours, in the cold drizzle! Poor little girl!

I threw a blanket out and held onto one end so she could climb back in, but she was in too much of a panic. Bob got the ladder and climbed up and brought her down. The poor llittle thing was freezing, and terrified! She slept right between us the rest of the night.

Anyways - here she is hiding during trick-or-treating.