It has been a while since I posted about Penny Lane's "issues", so I thought I would give everyone an update. Any one that wants to see the entire background of Penny Lane can see it here

Penny continues to get more confident every day. The Prozac has help alleviate her anxiety. We rarely see her ears lay back anymore, usually they are up and alert. She is still pretty much of a velcro dog - but she is starting to spend a little time in a different room than me. As some of you know, that is a big step.

Her and Leo still get into occasional squabbles, so I continue to keep them separated when I am not watching.

I am starting to let her and Leo play together in the back yard a little, but I keep a real close eye and call her away if I feel it gets even a little bit rough.

She is starting to accept strangers a little - but I make them crouch down facing away from her with a treat in their hands. She will eventually come over and take the treat, then let them pet her.

Her increased confidence has brought out some behavioural issues we are working on. She is starting to charge the door, so we are working on wait. She is starting to jump on me with excitement when I come home, so we are working on polite greeting. She has also become a little pushy in asking for attention, so I am trying to ignore her when she pushes for attention and only give her attention when she is in a sit or down. She is also starting to jump on the bed without permission, so we are working on that.

She is totally housebroken, but she still occasionally has stress related accidents. Bad thunderstorms for example will cause her to have a small accident. I am continuing with the Rescue Remedy in her drinking water.

She is playing more with toys. She wants to play with Leo so bad with the toys (tug), but I am still leary of letting them get into any competitive play so I only allow them toys when they are seperated. She does enjoy playing with a stuffie and a treat filled kong is always a great treat.

She still shakes when she feel vulnerable, but it is definitely better. I'm sure that will disappear with time.

It is very nice to see the improvement. Every day she seems to get a little better. We are going to keep up with the drug therapy for a few more months and then revisit the issue with the vet. If I forget her pill, you can see the difference in her anxiety level, so it might be a long term thing.

Well that's about it. Sorry it is so long, just wanted to let everyone know how we are doing.