I've come to realize that I'm just a test subject for my cats. Here are some of the experiments they've performed lately:

How many of us can pile on top of her and next to her while she's sleeping? (Seven is the highest total so far).

If I lie on top of her and lick under her chin, will she get up and feed me? (Katie's specialty)

If we meow really loud while she's opening the cans, will we get our food faster?

If we run to the window and stare outside, can we fool her into believing there's something out there?

If I stand in the kitchen and yowl, will she come check to see what's wrong (at which point I run into the living room, mission accomplished)? (That's Angel)

How long will she put up with having me sprawled across her lap and the keyboard before she decides she really has to get some work done? (Kacey)

If I purr really loud and look adorable while I'm doing it, can I get by with chewing her toes? (Bob)

Can I get her to rub my big white belly just by rolling over on my back when she walks by? (Hagrid)