Okay, I need to vent. Its just another rant, so don't feel you have to read it.

Alright, I have a folder that has a bunch of pictures of Molly and Daisy on them. This one girl I sit next too in Math class sees my folder and says, "Why do you have those weird looking pictures on it?" I responded, "They're not weird, there my dogs, Molly and Daisy." She said, "Oh, well, there just dogs." "Why do they take up your ENTIRE folder?!" in a snobbish voice.

EXCUSE ME!? It is MY folder, and I can do whatever *I* want with it. Its not like there was any profanity on it, just Molly and Daisy pictures. I also didn't like it when she said "Oh, there JUST dogs." There not JUST dogs, there my babies.

*Sighs* Okay, I feel alot better now. Kind of a stupid rant, but yeah. I'm so glad I have Pet Talk, where animals are not considered, "Just pets." :rollseyes:

Thanks for listening.