Some more pics of the rest of my kids...

This is Franklin. He's almost four now. He's been here for 20 months after a year in the shelter. Franklin was very timid. You can see he's come out of his shell! He was trying to get me to play his favorite game--Bark & Chase--He barks, I chase him around.

This is Chase. He's our latest foster dog. He is about 18 months old, spent 14 of those months in the shelter. He has a couple loose wires upstairs, but in a nice way He's alot of fun and just learning that life can be fun too.

And this is Preacher. This was taken last fall. Unfortunately, he started to fail since then. He's gone blind, his thyroid has shut down and he's getting stiff. but he is still happy and adjusting well to his issues. Preacher arrived here with Franklin. They are still the best of friends.