All u have to do is shake some keys & Max knows hes going for a car ride or truck ride. Max goes insane, he cryes, barks, & the second u open the front door to let him out, he takes off & does a little dance in front of the drivers door. Some times he needs help getting into the truck (its a big high truck). & when hes driving with just dad, Max sits in the front seat with dad. But when someone else is there all u have to say is "Max get in the back", & Max will hop into the back seat. Max will leave snot all over the back windows, its a messy passenger. hehehe

& he gets to go for a car ride atleast twice a week. Dad takes Max when he has to go pick up milk & butter, rent a video, pay bills, banking & sometimes they just drive around town for no reason.

We have driven Max to PEI (either 2000km or 3000km, don't remember) twice, in a full truck. Max mostly stayed on the floor cause there was more room on the floor to laydown & sleep. & when he wanted to look outside & got up & sat on one of the seats.