Wow I have a Meow Meow too. She is a classic tabby alot like your Meow Meow. I didn't expect to see the name Meow Meow. My Meow Meow is a 9 years old girl. She happens to be the newest member of our family. A ex supervisor contacted me a month before I was scheduled to move to another city with my job and wanted to give her away. I don;t understand people some times. I think it's sickening when people give away an animal just because they are tired of them. Well she is never going to be in that situation again. She's a sweet girl and deserves more dedication in a family than what they could give her. She lives with her 6 other sisters( yep all girls) don't ask I don't know why. The funny thing is all my doggies are Males[SIZE=4 Well it was a pleasure sharing this with you. Take care of you precious Meow Meow.