What would you do if your dog had been serverily injured or hurt and you didnt have much money and you and your family would go bankrupt if you were to pay to save your dog?? My father and I have gone threw this convosation millions times. My father said thsi if the dog was old like around 14 he would rather put it to sleep but if it was under 14 then he would pay to help it.. me on the other hand if the dog only had a year to live or not even a year mabey a week I would help it and do what ever
I could! I was just wondering and thought it would be something people could reply to.. also this has nothing to do with the subject but today my dad was mowing the yard and Simba had snuck out and when my dad turned the lawn mower on Simba started barking and growling at it and trying to attack it like it was going to hurt my dad our something.. it was totally strange!!!
