Kito has been acting so strange this morning--half of me is entertained, and half of me is worried about him.
First thing he did when he woke up was jump in bed and curl up with mommy (daddy was in the shower). I could feel him shaking, kind of like how a cat feels when it purrs--he did that for a while, and it started to worry me. He went out on the porch, and was doing it again--I don't know if he was shivering, or what. Then he started running around and panting, but he wouldn't drink any water. He didn't eat his breakfast (which is totally normal for him), but he was fine on our walk--did his business, and then when I went to take Abbey out, he snuck out the door!! I finally got him back upstairs, and he whined and cried while we were gone. Now he is sitting right at my feet--the shaking has stopped, but he's still panting, and he NEVER sits here while I am on the computer--he's too "independent"
I hope nothing is wrong with him--the shakes are starting again--and I have to be to work in an hour.
I don't know what to do.