Greetings, Rocky, a.k.a. "Rock'n Roll!" Happy Pet of the Day to you, sweetheart!

What a handsome, young man you are, Rocky! Your brown coat and black mane are gorgeous! And not only are you beautiful in looks, you're just as sweet as can be, a cuddles (and carrots, lol) craving mush!

How lucky your young human is, having a beautiful, sweet as can be best friend and riding partner in you, Rocky! What a terrific team you two make, in and out of the show ring! You two already excel at dressage, and no doubt after a bit of instruction and practice, you two will be shining on the jumping course as well!

What a wonderful life you and your human share, Rocky, there in beautiful Düsseldorf, Germany! And at a mere 5 1/2 yrs old, so many, many more wonderful years of riding and competing, shared love and companionship awaiting you both! You truly one EXTRA special horse, Rocky, beautiful inside and out, simply the best!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, Rocky! Meeting you today, reading your proud human's hearwarming tribute has been such a treat! I hope you enjoy a very special Pet of the Day celebration, there at the horsefarm...paling around with your horse friends; spending special time with your human, receiving tons of carrots and cuddles; being spoiled to the max and loved to bits! Lots of love, cuddles, and a big smooch to you, beautiful Rocky, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day!!!
SO handsome!!!
