Hi Charlie! Congrats on being crowned Pet of the Day, sweetheart! Now the whole world knows just how special you, and the rare Belgian Hare breed are!

What a treat, having the rare Belgium Hare as our featured honoree, not to mention one as beautiful as you, Charlie! Oh my! What a big boy you are, and looking so handsome in your plush, golden colored coat! And oh my! How magnficient are your mile high ears! But even more impressive than your handsome looks is your sweet and loving personality; a friend to all, including with your kitty sibling! And no doubt you were the best daddy to your two bunny babies as well!

How very lucky your family is, having a furry family member as beautiful, as gentle and sweet, as special as you, Charlie! And yes, along with the honor of being a pet pawrent comes commitment. But just as your human says, hardly any effort at all, considering the love and joy you kids bring to our lives!

Charlie isn't all that hard to care for. All I really need to do is clean out his cage and make sure he has plenty of food and water and of course, pet him and let him get plenty of exercise while he runs around. And of course give him plenty of love, but Charlie makes that part easy!
Thanks for the BIG smiles, Charlie! Meeting you today, reading your human's love filled tribute, and seeing your gorgeous photos has been such a treat! Hopeyou're being treated to a very special Pet of the Day celebration, Charlie...running around the house, playing with your kitty friend, maybe enjoying some outdoor exercise too; nibbling on some yummy bunny treats; spending special time with your human, curled up on the couch receiving bunches of cuddles; being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love, snuggles and kisses to you, beautiful Charlie, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day!!! Love to your dear kitty brother/sister too!

SO beautiful!!!