Hi Bella! Happy Cat of the Day, sweetheart!

How pefectly named you are, Bella, for you truly are one beautiful, simply stunning Torti girl! Bellissimo! Your long, flowing coat with its exquisite black and gold coloring; your sparkling green eyes and that magnificent, fluffy tail are simply gorgeous! And wow! You sure do know how to strike a pose, Bella!

But even more impressive than your knockout looks is your sweet and loving, playful and joyful, occasionally feisty purrsonality! And while oh so tempting to touch those furry bellies can be, I know first hand they come with a caution sign! "Pet at your own risk!"

She is very loving at times but a lot of the times if you tickle her belly it's a trap! Bites like a cobra!!
Yep, like a cobra! Gotta keep the humans on their toes, right Bella? hehe Well, I'd guess your Mommy wouldn't have you any other way! As it is, you already are purrfection on 4 paws, inside and out! What a beautiful bond of love you and your Mommy make...better together, one heavenly match!

I love her very much and she loves me. We bring each other company.

Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweet baby girl! Meeting you today has been such a treat! I hope you enjoy a very special, fun and love filled day of celebration...swatting about that paper ball; sipping fresh water out of your very own fountain; cuddling with your Mommy; being loved and pampered to pieces! Lots of love, hugs and smooches to you, beautiful Bella, our very special and most deserving Cat of the Day, EVERY day!!!
