Up again at 4am.

I don't think she is scared. Just destructive. Every thing that can be knocked over is knocked over.

I didn't buy the squirt gun.

I can pick her up and hold her. She likes the belly rub. I thought cats don't like their stomach touched. If I touch her back legs she attempts to bite.

Her biting is a playful bite. Except for the back leg touch. She means business then.

I have no rooms 1 bedroom, very large living room I call the Dance Hall, small kitchen and a bath.

To be honest I have always had dogs since birth. I stopped having pets years ago because I am old and a pet would probably out live me. I have had three heart attacks and 7 heart related surgeries. Last heart attack was 11 years ago. On my second pacemaker/defibrillator.

That's why I enjoy coming to this siye. I enjoy reading the stories of other people pets.

I enjoy the stories children write. They express joy so much better than adults. But, I enjoy them all.

I don't post much. As you can see I ramble on and on.

Back to the cat. I don't see fear in the cat. She's out in the Dance Hall now waiting for me to unlock the door. I booted her because she was eyeballing the fan. She must have the feeling I am talking about her, she just started meowing at the door. I'll let her in.

Not used to a cat. Someone to talk to. Like I said in my other posts. I need training more than the cat.

Tonight I may wear socks to bed. But, afraid she might find something else moving.

Another problem is that my landlord doesn't know I have the cat. He is Arab from Yemen. They don't like indoor pets.

They have (I say they because it's a family affair) been very good to me. They own 7 corner stores and 10 two family homes. I am the only nonArab person they rent to.

If I need money they loan it to me. Any amount. I don't take advantage of that often. If I need a ride someplace they take me.

Oh, my my rent is very low.

Sorry I rambled on. Got up early.

Thank you,
