Dearest Ziggy, what a delightful surprise to find you here as today's Cat of the Day! You are Pet Talk's newest kitty member, and you are absolutely beautiful! That Tabby fur has so many different colors in it, black and brown and grey and orange, to go with the white. And what a sweet, peaceful face you have, with those lovely big pale-green eyes! You look so very wise, beyond your one and a half years, but then you've been through way much more than so many kitties have been by that age (and no kitty ever SHOULD have been through no matter the age). How nice to see you playing with and licking that fuzzy toy, sitting by the window, walking on the couch back, relaxing on the step. You already look so happy and content! I wish I could reach through the screen and across the ocean to Lochristi, Belgium to pet you, and pet your dear kitty housemate Snoopy, too! I can't, of course, but I know your loving and beloved Purrrents Lut and Bernard will pet you both for me .

And what a story you have to tell! I'm so very sorry about the horrible, horrible life you and your boy kitty friend were living with that awful woman who didn't take care of you. I'm so VERY, VERY glad and grateful that you were rescued (and I hope your boyfriend was too) and brought to the shelter, and that that woman will never be allowed to have pets again.

Now you are living in the most loving home with the most loving Purrrents (and potentially-loving kitty) you could ever hope to find! You are shy and scared, which isn't surprising after what you had lived through. Your dear Purrrents Lut and Bernard are letting you learn to trust at your own pace, giving you all the time and space and love you need. Their other kitty Snoopy is getting used to you, too! I trust you and she will be best of friends before long.

You have already come along quite a bit since your first day! You love to run around like a crazy cat and to play with your fake mice and pieces of paper and the fishing rod with a toy attached. You are still scared of being touched by your Purrrents, but you are safe now! You can do whatever you want whenever you feel you are ready for it, and I'm sure you will learn to trust and gain confidence as time goes on. You and your Purrrents Lut and Bernard and kitty-sister Snoopy all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

Congratulations, darling Ziggy, on being chosen today's Cat of the Day! We hope you and dear Lut and Bernard and Snoopy and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.

to you all from Sparkler and Pat and all the Angels!