This is Pepito Parakeeto. What makes Pepito a.k.a Peppy so special? Well, I adopted him after he and his cage mate Madeline So Fine, were abandoned at the Ontario SPCA, and I cannot understand why anyone would want to part with such a special boy.

Pepito is very outgoing and kind and very friendly. He thinks my daughter is his mate, and he loves to land on our heads and do his little dance on there. He loves to swoop and fly like an acrobatic airplane and his nickname is Airbus.

Yes, Pepito also likes to tease my husband and he landed on his head a couple of times too. Pepito is a very small bird, but he sure has a huge heart. He's an Eagle in Budgie clothing.
Hello, Pepito in Canada! Happy Budgie Pet of the Day!

What a beautiful fellow you are! I like your bright blue feathers, the darker spots on your head and your tail feathers! You are very friendly and outgoing, landing on your people's heads, swooping and flying like an Airbus! You have a great big heart, and you are very kind-- I can imagine how many smiles you give to your family each day!

Happy, happy Pet of the Day to Pepito!