Short version:

I now have only two kitties, Barney and Lucy. Timmy is like a nephew.

I apologize for the size of the pics. I'm working on it. This computer doesn't have the apps for reductions.

This is Timmy, my new roommates cat. She also has three small dogs.

This is Lucy. Age 10. She removed all the yarn in the box so it would be hers. Lucy is being co-fostered by my roomie, Joanna. More on that later.

It's hard to get a pic of Lucy being still. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

This is Barney, age 3. Nutty kitty. He bonded with me, so I had to retrieve him from the Cafe, where he was up for adoption. He was despondent. He's happy here with Lucy and me.

Barney loves to play. He;s twice Lucy's size and she rules the roost.