Be still my heart...I do believe you've cracked the Dog of the Day cuteness meter, Roxy Rue!

What a painfully precious, utterly adorable Chi baby you are, Roxy Rue, the consummate Californina girl! Reading your mom's loving tribute, learning of your carefree, fun filled life, seeing all of your heart-melting photos, has made my day! I laughed out loud, picturing you riding the waves, hehe. No doubt you'll be "hanging ten" before long! But it's clear you've already got that spreading joy and laughter to all you meet thing nailed down, and I have no doubt you'd make one terrific therapy pup! But for now, keep up the good work, enjoying your family and furry sibs, living life to the max, putting smiles on the faces of all you meet! Your family is one lucky bunch, having a pup as precious, as sweet and loving, as special as you to call their own! If anyone should doubt the priceless rewards of rescue, they need only read your story!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, cutie pie! Enjoy your well earned day of international celebrity, kicking up some sand at the beach, paling around with skin sister Grace and the pups, being loved and pampered to pieces by your entire family and all of your adoring friends and fans! Lots of love, hugs and smooches to you, adorable Roxy Rue, our very special and most deserving Dog of the Day, EVERY day! Love to your dear sister Vindaloo and brother Arty, and kitty sib, too

Me and my girl!!!