Hi Onyx! A very happy Pet of the Day! Your mom must be bursting with pride, having two beloved furkids crowned Pet of the Day within days...first sister Opal and now YOU!

Just like sister Opal, you are precious beyond words, a total heart-melter, able to elicit smiles at a single glance; equally beautiful yet special in your own unique way! We know your mom has been dealing with some mighty challenging emotional issues recently. But with scamps Onyx and Opal on the job, double teaming her with your antics, bringing so much comfort and joy, love and laugher to her day, how can she help but heal!

She's intensely adorable, and melts my heart with just a glance.
A heart-melter, that you are, Onyx, and your mommy and daddy so very blessed, having a furkid, a best friend and loving companion in you! You're a gem of a girl, Onyx, beautiful inside and out, and so very deserving of your big day of honor!

Thanks to your mom for sharing your heartwarming backstory and squee worthy photos with us! Meeting you has been a real treat! Enjoy a fun filled Pet of the Day, sweet Monkey, doing your Weasel War Dance, hehe, chasing your cat toys, playing with sister Opal and your humans, being loved and pampered to pieces! Tons of love, cuddles and smooches to you, precious Onyx, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day! Love to dear Opal too!

Be still my heart!!!