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Thread: Tiger the prince my best feline friend ? 1999 - Feb. 17th, 2015

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    Unhappy Tiger the prince my best feline friend ? 1999 - Feb. 17th, 2015

    I know I don't post here at all any more; but I said goodbye to Tiger on Tuesday evening as the vet confirmed he was dying. I thought I'd let you all know since I shared stories of him here. On Monday in the middle of the night he didn't eat very much and nearly refused his treats which was his favorite thing ever. Then I knew something was horribly wrong because if he's refusing treats, that's not like Tiger he has never refused treats for as long as I have had him. He was cat of the day on July 22nd, 2007 (I had him 2 years then) and I will share the link here.

    It's really hard for me to write this because I can't explain in words how much he meant to me but if you have had a heart animal you just know. He was my world, my loyal and faithful friend for almost 10 years. He didn't have the best life before he came to me as I adopted him when he was 5 years old but I promised him as long as he is with me he would have the best life possible. And, he did. I loved him until he left his ailing body and I know he loved me too. And you know, almost 10 years doesn't seem long enough but every day he was loved and every day we spent together was a treasure. He was the sweetest cat I have ever known and he loved everyone he met but he made it clear to everyone I was his person and he was my heart.

    It was so hard to say goodbye and I wish I could have kept him forever but this cruel world doesn't work that way and I couldn't let him suffer. I know he's my guardian angel now and will watch over me until I see him again one fine day. I'll share his cat of the day of the link for the bio I wrote about him and some pictures as I can't write much more without crying. I love you so much Tiger and I miss you. Also please don't say I'll get another cat again... because it hurts too much right now. Miagi & Angel need me.

    This photo shows perfectly the bond we shared.


    Rest in peace my sweet boy. I will see you again one fine day. Tiger the prince ? 1999 - February 17th, 2015

    Here is his cat of the day link.
    Last edited by luvofallhorses; 02-21-2015 at 01:10 AM.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..


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