This article was in our local paper yesterday. I read it and bawled... RIP sweet Molly...

The Citizen
Published: Friday, October 21, 2011

Hello, my name is, well the people that found me named me Molly. I had been abandoned a long time ago. I was found on Cedar Street in Chemainus.

When I was found my hair was matted together so bad it was tearing my skin off, I couldn't walk, I had sores and ripped skin from the mats pulling at my hair, I tried to lick them free but the thorns that were imbedded in the mats hurt my tongue and my tummy, they scratched me with my every move. I was dehydrated and starving. I only weight 2.8 pounds.

They say that was tiny but I have been living that way for so long now I didn't remember the difference.

I loved Cedar Street because I saw a lot of my kind sitting in the windows. They were being petted by their people, they always had kibble. I stole a few, hope no-one minded. I don't know where my owners went. I remember going to the doctor's and they tattooed my ear, then one day they were gone.

Even though people let me steal nibbles from time to time, no one ever stopped to see how I was, until the other day.

I was taken in by this young girl and she cut all my mats out, I hated every minute but I was too weak to fight. It hurt and it took her hour and hours. She bathed me and bandaged up my wounds and I felt like a million bucks. I ate and ate and slept and slept. I thought I found a home, people that loved me.

Days later they took me to the doctor's and life changed for me again. My new people only got to see me once a day and now I was kept in a cage. I was hooked up to a machine to make me feel better and every few hours I had needles poked into me. I heard the doctor tell my people that I was very very sick and all the treatments they had tried were not working. I realized I was not going to be here long.

That day my new people came and loved me and said that they were sorry that they couldn't do anything more for me. They were really sad .The next day I was gone, I don't feel anymore pain, I just closed my eyes.

To the little girl Samantha that tried to help me, thank you. You were braver then anyone I knew in my hard life and I met a lot of people that just looked away.

Thank you to all the staff at Prevost Animal Hospital for trying your hardest to save me.

See you in Heaven,
