I haven't been around much and it's because of some serious issues with my kitties. We started having peeing problems again starting last fall. Took me some time and alot of urine samples to narrow down the main culprit, Sabrina.

She was already on a prescription diet for urinary issues. We made a change to a different one which did improve the test results to normal levels.
However the peeing continued.

I finally resorted to buying an extra large dog crate and confining her in the computer room when she couldn't be supervised. At first it was just being caged in the evenings, then it was while I was at work, then it was anytime she couldn't be directly watched, then it was only being out of cage in the cpu room for short times. We were still having peeing issues.

I was still trying to convince myself that if I could re-home her things would improve. During this time I asked everyone I know, alot of our clients and had all them asking everyone they know if anyone could give her a new home. I didn't have any luck finding a home for her when she was a tiny foster kitten, and certainly no luck now that she's older.

Last week she was out of her cage while I was changing her water. I left the room for only a minute and she had peed in the middle of the floor while her cage was wide open to get to her sandbox!!

She's not taking to living in her cage well, she cries and paces at times. She can't enjoy laying in her window hammock, she can't watch the birds, she didn't take well at all to the heatwave we had since that room doesn't have A/C, she doesn't get enough exercise in there.

I finally came to the conclusion that living her entire lifetime in a cage is no life at all. Finding a home for a cat is difficult enough but a cat with peeing issues is impossible. She'll never be an outside cat as she's terrified everytime I've taken her outside. I had a deep discussion with several people, including her vet, who said I've done about all I can do. I came to the bitter, heartbreaking decision to have her put to sleep. Her appointment is tomorrow morning at 8:45 a.m.

I feel like a failure as a cat owner and I've been embarassed to come on the board to talk about it. However since so many of you have followed her progress from the 2 week old 'foster' I took in, I thought I owed it to you all to let you know.

I have to stop typing before my tears short out the keyboard.


September 23, 2006 - June 16, 2001
Sabrina I love you and I am so sorry I failed you as an owner. You will be greatly missed!!! I love you baby.