My parents cat Dana has been diagnosed with a tumor in her nasal cavity. Dana hasnt been herself last week and then my mom noticed blood coming from Dana's mouth the call to the vet was made.

This is a cat that hasnt been to the vets for 8 years because of how stressed out she gets and my stepdad doesnt want to put her through all of that. Because of this the vet agreed to do a home visit to evaluate her and set her up with a sedative if she really needed to go to the vets for a procedure.

Dana had an abscessed tooth, so the appointment was set and the sedatives, antibiotics and pain meds where left behind. After the tooth was removed fluids for testing where taken and sent off. The bad news came yesterday and the decision with the vet will be made tomorrow.

Dana has been with my parents for 15 years and my stepdad's buddy for most of those years. She has lived a spoiled life and none of us want her to be in pain, tomorrow is gonna suck.