Quote Originally Posted by dab_20 View Post
I just noticed today how much my dogs (especially Sam) LOVE when my boyfriend comes over. They act more enthusiastic and happy than any other visitor we have... even more than when I come home! (Except Molli... she acts like a miracle happened as I walk through the door lol) Sam gets all crazy and does zoomies all over the house and grabs his favorite ball; my boyfriend always plays fetch with him.

Do any of your dogs have a favorite visitor?

I saw this thread in Dog General and wondered if it might be true for cats too.

Cassie has a funny way with visitors - she will go to the door when she hears the knocker, then run and hide; then after the guest gets settled, she will come to see who it is, sniff the person and give a few headbumpies to request attention and petting.

My fur-nephew Milo looooooves anyone who will pet him - he gives hard headbumpies, ankle hugs, and he will even sort of slide his body down your foot to make sure you stop talking and pet him! Which, of course, I love to do. He doesn't like to be picked up or held, but he does like to receive petting. He will also settle himself into a random lap when we are all gathered there, as with a birthday, for extended petting. (he never picks my lap- stinker!)

Anyone else?