So at first I panicked. How will I cook? The washing machine was first, then the dishwasher and now the stove all within 5 months.
I have learned that NOT having a stove is not so bad.
I can grill, nuke and crockpot.
I have a LOT less dishes.
It's every man/women for themselves now.
I usually stop off at Subway and have a foot long veggie with cilpoltie (sic) sauce and I am done for the night. Or I have a big salad with veggies from my garden.
Today I will make a roast in the crockpot with veggies.
There are things I do miss. Hubby is missing my baking so soon he will have to buy me a new one.
After all I spent my money on the Radiesse to get the wrinkles out.
After all what is more important me looking good or him having cake?
I am taking the French womens tude and putting my best face foward.