Hi everyone. This morning I took Alani & Blaze back to my vet for a recheck. Now my vets have moved into a brand new building and it looks wonderful. It's about the same distance away from me though but it's more direct. While I was waiting a lot of dogs started coming in so I moved further away from them and then I noticed that right next to me was a Feliway plugin so I must be in the kitty area even though they don't really have any designated areas for only cats or dogs. I thought the Feliway plugin was a great idea.

Both of my boys have really grown in just 2 weeks. On 8-3-10 Alani weighed 4.5lbs and today,8-17-10, he now weighs 5.2lbs. On 8-3-10 Blaze weighed 3.7lbs and today,8-17-10, he now weighs 4.5lbs. My boys are growing up too quickly.

Even though the stool sample that I brought in yesterday tested negative for coccidia, my vet still gave Alani & Blaze another dose of ponazuril because she said it's hard to test for coccidia and it could still be shedding later. This new drug kills the coccidia and they shouldn't need any more of it. They also got their last kitten shot and their rabies shot. My vet said that she recommends that they get their rabies shot and she only uses the purevax yearly rabies vaccine so I wasn't about to argue with her about this. They only charged a little more than the vets at the pet stores do so now both kittens should be good for quite a while.

Blaze purred the entire time and nothing seemed to bother him. Alani was a bit scared and jumpy so he needed to be wrapped up in towel for his shots. They're still both fine with going to the vets though and they just want out of the carrier so they can see people.

Blaze's stools are beginning to firm up but Alani's still haven't. I'm giving them Fortiflora packets, 1 packet to each kitten once a day, for the next 2 weeks so hopefully this will help to replinish their good bacteria. I don't have any new pictures of them but I'll hopefully get some soon. I just hope that they'll continue to be healthy now.