My boyfriends vet called him with the biopsy results. Its an aggressive cancer that grows rapidly but they do not believe itll spread, its only localized....and neither his vet, or my vet thinks they will ever be able to get all of it out of that joint, so tuesday morning, we are amputating. The vet doesnt feel lumps anywhere else and he is eating, drinking, pooping and playing fine.

We are waiting on his bloodwork, itll be back today or if you could spare some good thoughts for us, id appreciate it.

My boyfriend lives about an hour away, and he is very very squeamish, if he sees blood, bloody bandages, he passes Kiki is being operated on at my vet, and he will stay here with me until he is all patched up and ready to go home with his daddy.

Here he is at the vet this morning....

Thanks in advance!