Okay, I know this is a pet site but this is a BIG deal for me. My son is 24, college graduate and accepted a job in his field in county government. What more could a mom ask for? Friday night we went to dinner, myself, my daughter and her boyfriend and my son and his girlfriend/now fiance'.

Before the salads were served Nicole put her hand out and they told me about their engagement. I could not be a happier mom. I love Nicole and was hoping some day she would be my daughter-in-law.

So now I need advice. Any mom's here been mother of the groom? I have been googling duties, etc. It seems I have only experienced mother of the bride duties in my family as I have two sisters and between them they had 5 daughters!

I also have to say that my son is a bit of a comedian. After dinner on Friday night I made the comment that I had no clue what my duties were. He said, "stay out of it!".

I welcome any comments and suggestions.