Hi Jen, it's great to hear from you again! Bless you for giving Taboo the loving, caring life she so rightly deserves. She is a beauty! Could I ask you to give her some chin scritchies for me?

Hi Taboo,
I'm very happy to meet you. You never have to be afraid ever again, you're a PT kitty now and believe me it doesn't get any better than that. You'll soon see that we PT kitties get only the very best of everything and the love from our purrents never ends. You're safe now and will be very well cared for. You couldn't have a better Meowmie but I think you know that already.
I hope you feel better very soon. Settle in to your furever home. As soon as you get your cell phone be sure to let your fellow kitties know. We would love for you to join us on a Catmobile trip when you're all better!

Yout friend,