If you get an email from someone you know, saying they are stuck on vacation in the UK or London, have been mugged and just need help to come home ...

it's a scam, and your friend's email has been hacked. It happened to my sister-in-law not too long ago, and I called her and she had to jump through hoops to get access to her own account back, etc.

I just got one purportedly from a long-time Pet Talker, I have tried calling her to let her know her email's compromised, but haven't gotten through yet.

So if you got one, don't believe it, and don't reply to the email.

Here's one:

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, I came down here to United Kingdom for a short vacation unfortunately i was mugged at the park of the hotel where i stayed,all cash,credit card and cell phone were stolen off me but luckily for me i still have my passports with me.

I've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and my return flight leaves in few hours from now but am having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let me leave until i settle the bills.

I'm freaked out at the moment.
Here's another:

I'm writing this message to you with sadness. I traveled to London for a short vacation and unfortunately for me, I was mugged at a knife point last night at the park of the hotel where i lodged and all cash, credit cards and cell phone were all taken away.

I have gone to the embassy and Police station but they're not helping issues at all. My flight leaves in less than 8hrs from now and i am having problems to pay my hotel bills.

The hotel manager won't let me leave until i settle the bills. I need a loan from you to return back home and i want you to get back to me if you will be able to help me.