I had the pleasure of having breakfast with Father Rick Frechette from Haiti at a diner in Wethersfield.

I've known him for over 40 years and we laughed, he listened, I talked. We reminisced about prom, hanging out with the gang from NWCHS. I needed to laugh. You'd never know this man is a Passionist priest from just looking at him.

He's good friends with Andrea Boccelli. The stories he told me had me rolling on the floor laughing.

I told him about a HUUUUUUGE fan of Andrea's, Laura's Babies. He told me how Andrea donated one of his guitars that he signed (with the help of his manager) to Rick to be auctioned off and the proceeds going to the Passionist organization. It went for $2500 US dollars.

Andrea sent him another guitar signed, and Rick called him and said that his signature doesn't look like the first one. Andrea's response was, "What the hell do you expect??? I'm a blind man signing a piece of wood!!"

Rick asked me if I'd like it and I told him that while I would love it, I know someone else whose birthday is coming up this month who would be absolutely be over the moon for it!!! He told me to send him her address and he'd ship it to her once he returns to Miami.

Oh, the stories Rick told. He is THE most wonderful man I've ever had the pleasure to know.