10 days ago, Lily, my Yorkie/Maltese mix, mis-jumped up to my recliner and fell backwards off the foot rest. When she jumped back on she was holding her left back leg up off the chair. By Friday, she was walking very gingerly on it, but still holding it up off the floor/ground when standing, so I took her to the vet. She xrayed it and said nothing was broken. She also felt around it and said the only place Lily seemed to react was around her toe area. I was 'dismissed' with only that. If I hadn't asked her if I should limit her in any way, she wouldn't have told me. She said, "yes, jumping, running".. (for those that read my other post titled "Time for a new vet", you will understand about this vet. This was the visit that prompted me to write that thread.)....

Anyway, it is now 10 days later and Lily is still walking on it on our short walks, but again very gingerly, but continues to hold it up off the ground when standing... I notice she does put it down once in a while now. But this is really bothering me that it is lasting so long. She does jump up on the couch and then on the back of the couch to look out of her favorite window and continues to jump up on the recliner with me. I don't think there is any way I could stop her from making these jumps. I don't think she is in any great amount of pain. She wants to play with the 'laser' beam, but I don't do it, because there is too much running and twisting around when she does that and I am sure she would really mess her leg/foot/toes(?). She just can't understand why we can't play with it as we usually do it every day.

Is there anything else the vet should have done for Lily? Anti-inflammatory shot? pain pills? Anything I can give her? Ibuprofen?

Also, I showed her a little bump on her nose that feels like a tiny wart. It started with a little nick from the groomer a couple of weeks ago and that is how it healed... She felt it and said... "yeah, it feels like a little mass".... end of conversation... I just didn't feel comfortable pressing her for more information... any of you ever have a little nick heal like this? It is just a tiny hard bump.

I am going to take Lily in next week to a new vet that I have heard good things about. Hopefully she is taking new patients and I hope to have answers to both of Lily's problems... In the meantime, any replies would be appreciated.

I am sorry this is so long...

Thanks so much...