Jasper's day has gotten off to a bad start. We got up early to go to class, and he was doing great! We've been working on "sit out of motion", and last night it finally seemed to click! My trainer said he was having trouble thinking of exercises for us because Jasper's picking up so quickly on what we're teaching right now. So he sent us to work out on a dirt patch among some boulders where chipmunks like to hide...the chipmunks are one of the toughest distractions we've had to conquer.

But apparently chippies aren't the only thing that likes to hide out there. After a few minutes of good work, Jasper abruptly stopped listening to me and sat down to lick his foot. When I looked closer I saw a HUGE ant hanging of of the base of his paw pad! He licked the ant off quickly, but he couldn't bear weight on his foot and the pad swelled quickly.

Bad mommy! I always carry Benadryl with me, but I'd run out recently and hadn't refilled the container!! So straight to the white coats we went! When he walked in the door and realized where he was he tried to bolt. Our wonderful vet saw us right away and gave him an antihistamine injection. then, since we were there and he needed it done, she emptied his anals for me.

After that I took him home and gave him a BIG breakfast. After all, we've only been up for two hours and already he's been stung, had a shot, and his bum squeezed! I think he's earned the rest of the day off!

Here he is laying behind my desk chair recuperating. He's finally stopped licking his foot, so hopefully that means the pain is fading.