I want to get a cat door the cats can use that the dogs can't get through. Vallis is an average sized corgi, but can fit through tight spots when he's motivated. The cat door would be to keep the dogs out of the cat's litter boxes (we have a good spot for them now but they will have to be relocated because my brother and his son will be moving in with us).

Does anyone have a magnetic cat door? How does it work/hold up? The only drawback I can foresee is that it would be used many times each day- every time one of the cats needed to use the litter box. I wonder if that would cause it to break or wear out faster. Well, that and the cats would have to wear collars which they aren't used to.

Also, if anyone has a cat door they like I'd appreciate any input. Pippin and Desmond are on the larger side but I don't think they'd have trouble with a "normal" cat-sized door. It just has to be small enough to keep the dogs out.