Once again, I'm sorry I don't stop by and post more often. Just not enough time these days to keep up with the different boards I belong/ed to. My trio (er... mostly Ripley, haha) keeps me pretty busy, and I'm often away house-sitting and doing different dog related things. And when I am home, I don't tend to spend much time on the computer. But I do like to stop by semi-regularly and see what's going on, and while I do that, I figured today I'd share some recent photos of my crew for those that might miss seeing them. And just because I like to post pictures!

Dance is doing well -- she's her same silly, quirky little self. I don't show her anymore, but we still have lots of fun practicing obedience in hopes of getting a few titles on her in the near future. Hopefully this summer. I'd still like to get her into Agility, but that's not going to happen anytime soon unfortunately as the only good place I can find isn't within reasonable distance. One day, though! And Keira's the same as always. Just a sweet, sucky girl, constantly looking for attention from anyone willing, haha. Ripley just turned 10 months old and is a major challenge and a handful, but lots of fun and super sweet. Anyhow, onto the pictures, since I know that's what you're all waiting for. :-)

A group shot first, taken a couple weeks ago:

