Hey guys!
Life has been so hectic for me but I finally got to go home this Christmas for almost 3 weeks. It was a year since I last seen the pups so it was wonderful seeing them again. I was going to post more pictures during my break but stupid me forgot my chord..sorry guys!
Any who...
Kodie is 6 years old now, which is hard to believe. He will be turning 7 this coming summer. He's doing great! He's lost a few lbs and vet says he's healthy as a horse. Can you tell his gray hairs are more prominent? He's a lot more quiet and clingy but is still wild sometimes, haha.
LucyLou is 5 now, turning 6 this coming up October. She's also doing great! She also has no health issues. She's the same. Lots of energy and love to give. And she still hates the camera

Sitting in the kitchen while I was baking : hoping for something to drop on the floor..

"Pleeeeeeeeeease mum?"

He has a weird obsession with whipped cream. It's probably his favourite part of Christmas. [Don't worry, he doesn't get too much] And yes, we tease him a lot.

I gave them one of my old socks and they enjoyed it..haha. They like destroying their toys.