I'm torn on this one... 6 months ago I wasn't... I have rescued her before, but returned her to her owners... Here's a little backround on the story.

Location: Very rural setting, my grandmother had a horse farm, got rid of the horses because she couldn't work them like she could years ago, her lupus is getting worse... lives on a dead end road...her closest neighbor is 2.5 acres away. The neighbor is the issue...

My grandma has lived there for going on 6 years. The neighbor had two raggety dogs... one dog disappeared one day... later to find out they put it in the shed and it died... NO WONDER it was the middle of summer in FLORIDA!!!

They replaced the dead dog with a white lab-ish puppy, they named her Rosie.

Rosie turns 16 weeks old, and starts showing signs of localized demodex... a month goes by, the dog is untreated and it's getting severe. By the time I got involved... the dog was approximately 7 months old...which means the mange had not been treated for 3 months, she was so bad off that the secondary infection took over and she was refusing food and water, listeless, white gums, refusing to walk...she basically gave up on life. Well, her owners left town for a month, and left her loose without food & water ... 2 weeks into them being gone is where i stepped in. Rosie went to my grandmothers house and camped out on her front porch to pass on near people. I went over, and gave her a good bath, and started her first round of antibiotics (with 6 dogs in my own home, i avoid the vet like the plague if possible I keep a stock of the basics that a vet will shove in your face to get you out of their office). Durring her first bath I discovered she had pores the size of eraser heads, puss and blood coming from everywhere. I treated her with nustock. 24 hours from then is when she started refusing to eat, water, and walk. I went back after 24 hours to evaluate her progress, which she just regressed! The next morning I carried Rosie to my car and took her over an hour away to my vet. Mind you this dog has had maybe two bowls of dog food in the last 2 weeks... She wasn't fed well before that so she was underweight by 15-20 pounds.