I've been reading how a few of our long time members think PT is no longer like it used to be. I'm sure it's not, things change. Like the fact that I don't post very often (although I always lurk).
My life, like a lot of other peoples have changed. Myself, I work more than I used to and don't have as much time to post. But the one thing that will never change is all the friends I've made here. Your all my second family and I can't imagine what life would be like without you all and PT.

If your ever thinking how bad things are here and you want to leave just look back on some of the threads you and others have posted. All the love that's put into them.
I was looking back at one that means the most to me. The one about my beloved Angus (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthre...light=memorial). So many wonderful and thoughtful people put their hearts into what they said.

Let's put aside our differences and agree to disagree.

A BIG thanks to all of you here at PT for listening to me.