I'm Flabbergasted.

I hope this isn't too much or wrong of me to post this here, but I just had to share. I didn't think anyone was stupid enough to do this to someone in public. I guess this is another case of someone outsmarting the psych test.

My brother is a cop and I'm all for law and order but this is abuse of power.


Teen says she was stripped searched in public.

UNION COUNTY, S.C. -- An 18-year-old woman says she and her friend were strip-searched in public during a traffic stop in Union County.

Britney Turner and her friend said that the experience was humiliating and they want to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.

Turner said since the incident happened two months ago, she and her family have talked to law enforcement, the State Law Enforcement Division and attorneys, but no one is being held accountable.

I want them to stop messing with everybody in Union," she said.

Turner said she was pulled over in the parking lot of a restaurant in Jonesville because her headlight was out. She said the Jonesville officer accused her of having alcohol on her breath and then asked to search the car.

He said, 'I think I smell alcohol on your breath. Have you been drinking?' And I had not been drinking anything and I told him to give me a Breathalyzer," she said.

Turner said she and her friend got out and the officer searched the car, even using a dog. Then he called for back up from a Union County deputy.

Turner said the officers searched her car and then called for a female detention center officer to strip search her and her friend right there in the parking lot.

"First, she me made me put my hands up on the roof. Then she made me pull my shirt up and unfasten my bra. And then she made me, after that, she fastened my bra and pulled my shirt down. Then she made me pull my pants and my panties down, squat and cough," Turner said.

Turner said the officers let her and her friend go because they didn't find anything.

"After all that trouble, they let us go," she said.

Jonesville Police Chief David Parker refused to comment about the situation, saying he needs time to research the incident. But Union County Sheriff David Taylor told WYFF News 4 that the search was legal. Taylor said it happened in a dark area next to the restaurant, and couldn't be done at the detention center or the sheriff's office because Britney and her friend would have had to be detained, and they were not.

Turner said the strip search happened in the parking lot, near the road, behind her open car door, which she says was not enough protection from the public. She says people could see the search happening.

"My friend texted me while I was getting searched, and she asked me, 'Are you getting searched?'"

"I've never been strip searched," she said. "I was embarrassed. I told him, 'I've never been so humiliated in my life.' That's what I told him."

Chief Parker would not comment on Friday, but said he will talk with News 4 next week about the incident.

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