We got off yesterday and boy, were the girls glad to see me when I came in last night. It was a great "Welcome Home Meowmie!".. I had all 4 screaming at me so happy I was finally here again, even Boo got in her 2 cents worth of "MEEEEOWS" at me. The line had already started in the "get in Meowmies lap" line...

Here is a shot I got of Giz before I left for the boat on her sofa that is to cute not to share...

We had a wonderful trip out this time. Our Captain came back after being off for 7 1/2 months and we were so glad to have him back. It seemed this trip just flew by and was over before I knew it. I got this shot as we were leaving the boat yesterday.

Ahhhh! There's no place like home!