"Angie Would you please post this on Pet Board for me I am
up to my assets in dogs...and trying to find homes
Thanks For Your Help

When Dexter, a 35-pound basset hound, was rushed to a Wyoming veterinary
hospital on February 16th, Dr. Stephen Kerr said it was "the worst case
of animal abuse I've ever seen" in 20 years of practice. Dexter had been
beaten until his right side was paralyzed, he was bleeding internally and
he had extensive brain injuries. Yet according to Dr. Kerr, "he still
managed to wag his tail and kiss care providers." Weeks later, Dexter was
stolen again from his owner's home. He was then tortured, mutilated, and
set on fire before his charred body was thrown on to his owner's driveway.
Goshen County Sheriff Don Murphy, recognizing the severity of the
situation, had Dexter's remains transported to Wyoming State Veterinary
Laboratory in Laramie. Lab veterinarian Todd Cornish said that, "All four
of his legs were cut off - probably before the dog was burned." Sheriff's
deputies later arrested Travis L. Wilson, a college classmate of Dexter's
owner, for the crime. Mr. Wilson pled not guilty to animal cruelty charges
as well as additional charges of interference with a police officer and
unlawful drug possession.
Ask the prosecuting attorney to pursue stringent penalties against Mr.
Wilson! Remind the prosecutor of the strong connection between animal
abuse and other social violence; Ted Bundy, The Boston Strangler, Jeffrey
Dahmer and Son of Sam all abused animals before turning their violence
against humans. Write to: County Attorney Pat Korrell, Goshen County
Attorney, 2125 East A St., Torrington, WY 82240 . You can also send an
electronic letter to the County Attorney through: http://www.mediapartnersforpets.org/working/index.php# (we encourage you
to change the text of the letter into your own words). For more
information on the connection between animal cruelty and human violence,
see: http://www.hsus.org/firststrike/index.html
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ANIMAL ABUSE-The ultimate act of cowardice and mental derangement!!