I figured it has been a while since I have posted pictures of our boy Scruff. I can not believe he is going to be 5 yrs old in August! My little boy is all grown up!! The really cool thing is that our new vet (well, for the last 2 yrs) said that Scruff is NOT a Dalmatian/Pit Bull Mix. She said he looks more like a Great Dane/Pointer mix with possibly some Pit Bull in hime....but she does not see Dalmatian. She said that the Harlequin Great Dane has spots just like Scruff's....which I knew, but did not even think that he could be a mix of one. As he got bigger I did notice his face was looking more like a GD, but Dave said "No way....he is a pittie mix"...so I just said "okay, whatever". At least I prooved to be right!

In this picture I can totally see the Great Dane in Scruff!

I went through some boxes not that long ago and found these.

Here is Scruff as a pup on 12/23/04, and one of him today....well, yesterday.

He was a rather Vocal pup!! That really has not changed much. He still LOVES to talk back to me....just one of the kids, I say!

I have to say these are a few of my favorite favorite pictures of him....

I love the way the sun is shining on him and he is so oblivious of me snapping the camera....he's too busy watching one of the rescue kits play!!

And then he looks.....to know what he is thinking....he looks so wise!!

More in next post.......