I ended up calling Adobe and they wanted me to bring him in for an emergency recheck (which was double the cost of a regular appointment) since they were concerned about the blood but were apparently all booked up with scheduled appointments.
His eye looks terrible, you can't even see his eye because the membrane is so swollen. They put an e-collar on him because perhaps he had scratched his eye which caused the bleeding. This seems like a really serious case of who-knows-what (originally they thought it was chlamydia, but now they're not so sure and they're treating him for everything), so now we're going to also be putting the poor thing on 2 types of anti-viral medications (which also costs a fortune ) along with everything else he's taking. I have to pick those up at a compounding (??) pharmacy tomorrow. They also wanted me to schedule a recheck for an animal eye specialist since we couldn't even tell today if his eye is damaged. God, I swear I feel like a made a huge mistake bringing him home. I just wanted to do something nice for my Phinehas since I'm gone all day and orientals are such social cats and crave companionship. I thought it would be easier when I go on vacation for him to have a buddy. I just don't understand why this is all happening...