I took Smokey & Maggie to be washed & brushed this morning. They
were so excited to be going to PetsMart. (they're favorite place to visit)
I got them both leashed & started for the door. A lady was coming back
out of the store to her car & stopped to talk to my dogs & they became
even more excited & happy.

Long story short, the leashes got tangled & I was knocked off my feet.

There I was laying in the middle of the parking lot & yelling "catch my dogs
please" The lady grabbed Maggie's leash & Smokey bolted to the store and
sat waiting for me. I was so mortified. Several people stopped to
help & kept saying are you alright? Only ended up with a scraped
knee & a very red face.

This afternoon has got to be better or I'm going back to bed.