Crosspost from Dog General.

Hi All.

Yesterday two BC mix brothers (Frost and Poe) were supposed to start their journey to Hull's Haven BCR in Winnipeg, Canada from Mt. Vernon, OH. But in the middle of the night, apparently the two crashed through a window at the pound and escaped.

Doesn't this sound a little fishy? Dogs don't just crash through windows unless they are terrified.

These two 7 month old pups were very unsocialized, very scared. The woman who got them vetted and was supposed to start them on their way said the glass was broken from the inside-out, so it wasn't a break in. She also said there was no blood in the snow.

Now these boys are running loose again in the snow and the cold...and in danger of being shot or hit by a car.

This is Frost.

And here is Poe.

If you see these boys or have found them, please email Sally at [email protected]. She is just sick over this.