I clean a house for a lady who is VERY particular. Of course she has a 10 foot tall tile shower. She is an anti-soapscum-aholic. I use her cleaning products and so far she still feels that there is soapscum build up. She cleaned the shower today while I was there. First she scrubbed the whole thing with Mean Green and a bristle brush and then after rinsing that did the whole thing again with Tilex Soap Scum remover. It took her at least 45 minutes to do. She did say that it got clean, but there's no way I'm going through that every week. I remembered that a lady that I used to clean for many years ago would use a liquid dishwasher detergent like Cascade, and as I recall that did work well. I have been looking online (using goodsearch.com with donations going to One by One for jenluckenback's charity) for suggestions and have found several from Magic Erasers to vinegar and water to wet fabric softner sheets. I was just wondering if any of you have any suggestions for things that work well, so I won't have to spend forever cleaning this monster of a shower. It is cleaned every week and isn't that dirty to start with, especially now that she feels she has it cleaned well.