Hi, I just wanted you to know that Storm and Starr are doing very well these days. Storm had another holistic vet visit yesterday and he received a vitamin B-12 accupunture treatment. He's now only taking 1 calm spirit pill at night. He also weighs 14.5lbs so he's gained a little weight and has a very healthy appetite which is great for a 12 year old.

Since Starr's been doing so well with his 2.5mg of pred every morning, my holistic vet said to go ahead and start giving him 2.5mg of pred every other morning. If this goes well we'll then start giving it to him every 3 or 4 days. I forgot to ask her how long he'll be on the every other day routine.

On a side note, Sky is still having congestion and sneezing problemsso I made an appointment for him to also see my holistic vet. He was on allergy medicine and I've been using a vaporizer at night but nothing seems to be working so it's time to try a more natural approach. She's really helped Storm and Starr so I hope she'll also be able to help Sky. She said that she's seen many animals with allergy problems ever since last Sept. His appointment is on Feb.28th at 10:30am.

Thanks for reading this.